Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

This needs to be shared:

It's a parody of one of those ridiculous Christian tracts by Jack T Prick...erm, I mean Chick. I got into a "debate" with one of my Christian buddies on evolution a few weeks ago. It did not last long. Once I started talking about carbon dating, she started with the "Yeah but have YOU personally done any experiments of that sort??' Me: ...wut? Her: AH HA! Then your views are based on faith! JUST LIKE MINE!

I'm not the one shrieking 'GODDIDIT' everytime I don't know something. My "faith" in science extends past whatever my magical book of fairy stories tells me. Further, unlike a lot of my libertarian buddies, I don't care if you think evolution is a satanic lie. Believe whatever you want. I feel the same about all my pot smoking, binge drinking, obese, flunking out of school friends. Do what you think is best. Just don't a. complain when it backfires in your face and b. try to get me to do whatever dumbass thing you're doing. And that includes being a Christian.

The only reason I engage in those kind of discussions is because they're fun as hell (pun oh so intended) and I seem to get dragged into them during one of my CP (Christian Pals') preachings. If you like to take the 'buried head' approach when you're confronted with facts, stop giving me the opportunity to dig your head out of the sand!

Now, you might ask why I have CPs at all if I don't want to be converted. Well, when I was in high school, there was this guy I had a major crush on who also happened to be my best friend. Sometimes I'd sit with his buddies instead of mine (we didn't exactly run in the same circle; we'd met before our cliques were cemented) at lunch, and oh dear sweet merciful Yevon, you could not FIND a more boring bunch. Here's how our conversations would go:

S: I think the war in Iraq is stupid

And even though I thought the war was a pretty dumbass idea too, I played devil's advocate just to get some frakking DISCUSSION going. I like having friends with different viewpoints. In fact, when someone tells me they're a Christian, I find them even more interesting because they're different than me. I guess it's the anthropologist in me (and no, for once I'm not talking about the store). The vast majority of people exist for my study and amusement. That's not to say I don't care about them. Just try and insult one of my friends, even one of my CPs, for anything other than their ridiculous preaching and watch how unladylike I can be. But I have the most fun when we're having a good old fashioned squabble.

And that comic is hilarious, do yourself a favor and have a look.


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